
Showing posts from February, 2018

What is CBD?

What is CBD is an excellent question that needs to be explained due to the fact that most people like myself have never heard of this animal.  CBD ( Cannabidiol)  is a cannabis compound that has significant medical benefits which makes it an appealing option for many patients, including cancer patients. I have recently been introduced to CBD myself by an online networker and he got my attention straight away when he told me he was taking it for his prostate cancer.  I believe he is using the cannabidiol Hemp oil for his treatment.  Most of us know someone who either had cancer, has it or will get it and some of these folks will be told that they only have so many months or years to live.  No one wants to hear this kind of disturbing news, but it happens.  If this is true and we know it is, then shouldn't they know about this treatment that might be able to save their lives or at least extend it? CBD hemp oil is made from  high-CBD, low-THC hemp , unlike medical marijuana