
Showing posts from January, 2018

Why Protein?

Why Do You Need Protein? Did you know that the basic building block of all muscle is protein? Did you also know that you can begin to lose about 1% of your muscle mass each year beginning at age 35? Aging is a process you cannot overcome, but you might just be able to slow it down a bit. As you age, protein becomes important for more reasons than building your biceps. It becomes very important for your overall health. You can't keep or build muscle without protein. I drink a protein shake daily that gives my muscles what they need. How about you? How Does Protein Work? If you are not aware of this, exercise creates microscopic tears in muscle fibers. Protein contains amino aids that your body uses to repair and strengthen those muscles by properly replenishing them during and after workouts. This means that your recovery time decreases and you feel less fatigue. Fiber aids in digestive comfort while fast-absorbing dairy proteins give your body the post-workout n

How Good is Your Health?

Your health is more valuable than anything you will ever own on this planet called earth.  It was given to you by a Creator who cares very much about you and your well-being.  So what are you doing to keep yourself in good health? Are you at all concerned about your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood fat, heart rate, glucose levels, C-reactive protein (heart health) or inflammation?  Most people don't get concerned until they visit their doctor and they tell them that one or more of these are out of whack.  You know that once your health is compromised it could be the difference between life or death. A study called the Freiburg Study was conducted with 48 healthy human subjects of various ages.  To be included in the study, participants were evaluated on their cholesterol measurements, triglycerides, blood pressure, blood sugar and weight.  As with the general population, many exhibited the characteristics of metabolic syndrome - meaning their numbers were elevated but s

Why Broccoli?

First of all,  It is a very  good  source of dietary fiber, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin E, manganese, phosphorus, choline, vitamin B1, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), potassium and copper.  Broccoli  is also a  good  source of vitamin B1, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, zinc, calcium, iron, niacin and selenium. So the question would be asked, "Is this food item good for my body?"   It's important to note that  broccoli  is best when eaten raw, because cooking and processing destroys some of its antioxidants. It has twice the vitamin C of an orange, almost as much calcium as whole milk (with a better rate of absorption), and contains anti-cancer and anti-viral properties with its selenium content.  "Is it bad to eat a lot of broccoli?"    In general,  broccoli  is  safe to eat , and any side effects are not serious. The most common side effect is gas or bowel irritation, caused by  broccoli's  high amounts of fiber. Brocco

Could YOU Be a Germophobe?

Okay, I believe it is smart to say that most people want to stay away from nasty germs, but can we?  Absolutely not!  Why?  Because germs can't be seen by the naked eye and if they could be, we would never go anywhere or do anything, thus being defined as a germophobe. A germophobe is a person  with an extreme fear of germs and an obsession with cleanliness.  Have you ever met anyone that fits this description?  Well I have and it's not a pretty sight!  I must say that I am thankful everyday that the person I married is not a clean freak and neither am I.  Does this mean we are the opposite?  Of course not!  One can be clean without being excessive.  Don't you think? A germophobe might make a statement like this,  ‘I'm not a germophobe, but everyone knows that hotel remote controls are never cleaned and are probably filthy.’  How about this one, 'OK, I'll   admit that I am a bit of a germophobe, but is it really necessary for people to lick their finge

Knowing & Thinking - Two Completely Different Animals

Knowing and thinking are truly two completely different animals.  Knowing is surety, while thinking is guessing.  Would you rather know something for sure or would you rather rely on guess work? Most of us want a sound or firm foundation when it comes to making decisions for our lives, especially if these decisions involve other individuals like our family.  To know something gives it validity and substance.  For example, if you are a doctor and you need to perform a certain operation, it is better that you can tell the patient beforehand that you know what you are going to do vice I will think what to do once I open you up. See the difference between knowing and thinking?  Knowing brings confidence into the equation by the doctor and peace of mind to the patient. As network marketers we want to know, not think, which opportunities are good or bad for those we are helping.  Too many of us have already found out the hard way by thinking and not knowing and this mistake has cost us some

There's Always A Catch!

Why is there always a "catch" to most ad offers we click on?  When someone says "free", why can't it be free without the "catch"?  What I mean is, when we read a post and the offer says free but when we go to the website and it says free trial for 30 days, why not post it that way instead of giving the reader the deception that it is truly free?  Of course we shouldn't be so naive, but people should be more honest in their advertising as well.  I would probably look at a free trial if the product being offered has substance and value for me.  Wouldn't you? If you are up front with me, you will gain a whole lot more respect and trust from me, than if you are being deceptive.  Honesty is still the best policy and if we continue to act in that manner, we will see more positive results with our businesses. Please forgive me if it seems like I'm going off on a tangent here but right is right and wrong is wrong.  Why waste someone'

Inviting Others To Participate

Are you an inviter?  What do you mean by that Eddie?  I mean, can you invite people to go places or to do things with you?  If so, then you are an inviter and your are also helping others make some very important decisions that can change their lives, hopefully in a very positive way. When was the last time you invited someone to dinner or to a movie?  Did they say yes and attend with you?  If so, you were a successful inviter!  The invite didn't hurt that much and I'm sure you will invite again in the near future since you got such good results.  We invite people to do all sorts of things and the reason we do it is because we feel very comfortable with what we are inviting them to do. It's the same way with network marketing.  If you believe in what you are doing and you know it to be honest, good and a way to make someone's life better, you will have no problem inviting them to take a look at what you have to offer.  So many say they just don't know how to invite

Why is Fiber Important?

Did you know that a high fiber diet appears to reduce the risk of developing various physical conditions that can alter our bodies? Some of these include heart disease, diabetes, constipation, diverticular disease and even colon cancer. Fiber is also important for the digestive system and for the lowering of cholesterol. So, if this is so important, you need to know what fiber is, right? Dietary fiber is a material from plant cells that cannot be broken down by enzymes in the human digestive tract. The two important types of fiber are water-soluble and water-insoluble. Each of these have their own characteristics and different properties. Without going into great detail, water-soluble fibers absorb water during digestion while water-insoluble fibers remain unchanged during digestion. If you are wondering what kinds of foods contain these two fibers, well I will share some with you now. Soluble fiber foods would include fruits such as apples, oranges and grapefruits, v

Is there a problem with obesity?

Is there a problem with obesity? Is there a problem with obesity?  I suppose you think I'm trying to be funny, but I'm not!  I am dead serious about this growing global problem that has become know as a disease and we need to put a stop to it immediately.  I don't know where you are weight wise, but I know I can stand to lose another 10 pounds. In doing so I will have more energy and feel better in all areas of my life, especially the way I look!  Now I know that this weight is not going to just fall off my body, therefore I will have to do something in order to get rid of it.  This means putting forth some effort! I have recently discovered a 90 day challenge that is being offered by a weight loss company and from what I have seen and heard, it is literally changing thousands of lives physically.  I can actually see obesity, as we know it, being obliterated from this planet if thousands more take this to heart and are serious about their health. I also know many

Happy With Your Appearance?

Happy With Your Appearance? How happy are you with your appearance?  Do you think it could use some improvement or are you fine with the way you look at the present time?  Seems like there is always room for improvement for most of us.  Even if we get to that ideal weight loss, then we need to be thinking about how to keep it there and maybe even start building some muscle mass. We already know that moderate exercise never hurt anyone and the good Lord knows that more of us need to participate in something other than watching tv on the couch with a drink in one hand and something to eat in the other.  Habits are very difficult to break sometimes but if you are determined, it will happen!  Never hurts to have your spouse or partner giving some support in the exercise and weight loss program and truth known, they could benefit by participating themselves. Believe me, I know how difficult all this is because I love to eat!  I am determined to lose the extra pounds this time a

Stop Being Fat!

Stop Being FAT! Stop being FAT is pretty blunt I know, but if it is true about you or someone you know, then it can be stopped.  Do you turn around when someone is talking about a beached whale?  Are you embarrassed when you hear fat jokes like, "Yo momma's so fat, she makes Free Willy look like a tic tac!"  Or, " Yo momma's so fat, when she walked in front of the TV I missed 3 commercials!"  These remarks are very cruel and no one should say things like this about anyone, but we know that life is not fair and that everyone does not care about our feelings. I have never been obese, but I have been overweight for my stature.  Since no one was going to take those extra pounds off of me and since I have not yet discovered that miracle pill, I decided I will have to do it myself.  The first key ingredient in this very trying process was to "Want IT!"  I truly want to lose those extra pounds. Another key ingredient is to set a realistic goal i


We would like to welcome you to "The Havoc Club."  We are excited that you found our blog and we pray that you will gain some new insight and even knowledge that will help you be or become the person you want to be.  Whether it be through physical transformation, becoming more environmentally safe or prospering in your financial life.  Please take your time and look over our site and remember that constructive comments are always welcome.  Enjoy!