Could YOU Be a Germophobe?

Okay, I believe it is smart to say that most people want to stay away from nasty germs, but can we?  Absolutely not!  Why?  Because germs can't be seen by the naked eye and if they could be, we would never go anywhere or do anything, thus being defined as a germophobe.

A germophobe is a person with an extreme fear of germs and an obsession with cleanliness.  Have you ever met anyone that fits this description?  Well I have and it's not a pretty sight!  I must say that I am thankful everyday that the person I married is not a clean freak and neither am I.  Does this mean we are the opposite?  Of course not!  One can be clean without being excessive.  Don't you think?

A germophobe might make a statement like this, ‘I'm not a germophobe, but everyone knows that hotel remote controls are never cleaned and are probably filthy.’  How about this one, 'OK, I'll admit that I am a bit of a germophobe, but is it really necessary for people to lick their fingers when paging through a stack of documents?’  I think you get the point, right?

Now, are you possibly a germophobe and you never realized it?  Like I said earlier, none of like nasty germs, but it doesn't mean we want to sleep with them either.  No one likes to admit their phobias, but we all have them.

When it comes to cleanliness, we will never be completely 100% germ free, but there are products out there that can help you come pretty close to that percentage if you will only do your due diligence to search them out.  Remember not to settle for just anything and be sure to stay away from products that have toxins.  Check your labels to see what you are presently using, then decide if you need to rid your household of those products.

You don't need to be classified a germophobe if you are doing all you can to stay clean and healthy!

To Your Health,


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